There are some books you put on your list of books to read that you just never get around to. This is one of them, for me at least. I saw the cover of this book and was really intrigued by it. I love Jane Eyre and the fact that she is an independent woman who chooses what she wants and who she wants to be with has always struck a cord with me. I think that is why the Eyre Affair has been on my list for 6 years.
From what I gather, Jane is kidnapped out of her book. The main character, Thursday Next, a literary detective, has to find her and put her back in her proper place. Thursday, incidentally, is also a strong female character.
Since I have waited so long to read this, I hope I find it interesting and well worth the wait. If not, I supposed I will have to be content with reading the first in the series and giving up on the rest. I usually only get 3 books into a series anyway before I lose interest. There are only so many times the same thing can happen in a book.
Read this one years ago and really enjoyed the alternate world and its craziness. I think I read one more but just lost the time to read more of them. I may have to read it again and see if I still enjoy the insanity.